

I'm soooooo lazy. Probably the laziest person alive..I swear, you can ask my doctor. K, not really but I come in at a pretty close second. I have THREE undeveloped Kodak cameras, one of which is a shnazzy underwater cam. Who does that? Who takes all of these amazing (probably terrible) photos and then simply refuses to get them developed? The answer: I. Yes, I, I have committed such a crime and although I'm talking about it and am clearly making it public I probably STILL won't get them developed. Gahhh! It's a disease I tell you. Laziness. Or it's probably my current TV series obsession. How I Met Your Mother has claimed its latest victim. Wish me luck, I need it!

In other news, I've been rockin' my new Jessica Simpson shades and navy blue lace shorts! I lurvvv dem! They make a classy combo like this:


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